Editor in chief - prof, Rozova T.V. (Odesa); vice-editor in chief: ph.d. N. Borodina (Odesa).
Editors: Amir Lydia, Ph.D., Professor at the College of Academic Studies in Management (Tel Aviv, Israel);
Afanasiev Olexandr, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Odesa National Polytechnic University;
Kashuba Maria, Ph.D., Professor, Head. Department of Social Sciences of Lviv National Academy of Music;
Prokopovich L.V., Ph.D., Dept. cultural studies and philosophy of culture of the National University "Odesa Polytechnic";
Chorna L.V., Ph.D., Professor Odessа Polytechnic National University.
Technical editor: Ph.D. Borodina N.
«Philosophy and Humanism» is a peer reviewed journal with blind referee system.
Our online edition is the academic periodical in Ukraine devoted to researches on philosophy, philology and the humanities interdisciplinary problems.
Our purpose is to foster the development of a wide gamut of contemporary approaches, active implementation of them into research practice, and establishment of high standards of teaching philosophy, philology and the humanities at the universities basing on the achievements of contemporary achievements on the humanities.
Our key priority is to ensure the empirical substantiation of contemporary conceptions, basing on the criteria of literality, adequacy, fullness and contextualization, taking into account the existing speculative interpretations.
We also publish new translations of foreign texts.
Among our priorities there is also a coverage of the humanities thought in Ukraine and Odesa and its connections with the wide cultural context.
The Journal «Philosophy and Humanism» was founded in 2015 by Odesa National Polytechnic University as the online periodical edition, ISSN 2518-7392.
Our journal is indexed by international databases:
Index Copernicus

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